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World's Youngest GM – GM Wesley So, age 14
A selection of Wesley So games
Wesley So (2531) - David W Howell (2527) [C47]World Junior Championship Yerevan ARM (5), 07.10.2007
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Bb4 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.Bd3 d5 8.exd5 cxd5 9.0-0 0-0 10.Bg5 c6 11.Qf3 Be7 12.Rfe1
White's chances are tied with his ability to maneuver his rook to support an attack on the kingside. That is Black must immediately oppose the rook. A sample of what can happen if Black is careless: 12...Re8. 12...Be6 13.Qg3 Rb8 14.b3 Bb4 15.Re3 Bxc3? (15...d4 loses to 16.Qh4) 16.Bxh7+ Kxh7 17.Qh4+ Kg8 18.Rxc3 Simutowe, A (2421)-Ippolito, D (2395)/ Parsippany 2007 1-0 (55). 13.h3 h6 14.Bf4 Nh7 The usual move is now 14...Bd6, but Howell gets an idea to bring his knight to g5. 15.Bxh6 Ng5. After 15...gxh6 16.Bxh7+ Kxh7 17.Qxf7+ Kh8 18.Qg6 Bd7 19.Qxh6+ Kg8 20.Qg6+ Kf8 21.Re3 White has th ree passed pawns on the kingside for the sacrificed piece, and Black's king is still exposed to mating threats. This is a no-brainer and he doesn't need a second invitation. 16.Bxg5 Bxg5 17.Rxe8+ Qxe8 18.Nxd5!
To his chagrin Howell notices that 18...cxd5 19.Qxd5 introduces a double attack on a8 and g5. 18...Bd8 19.Ne3 Rb8 20.b3 Qe5 21.Rd1 Bc7 22.Bc4 Be6 23.Bxe6 Qxe6 24.Qf5 Qe8 25.Rd4 g6 26.Qe4 Qf8 27.Qxc6 Bb6 28.Rd3 Rc8 29.Qf3 Bxe3 30.Qxe3 Rxc2 31.Qxa7 Qe8 32.Qe3 Qc8 33.Qe7 Qf5 34.Rd8+ Kg7 35.Qf8+ Kf6 36.Qd6+ Kg5 37.h4+. The following sequence is forced 37...Kh6 38.Qf8+ Kh5 39.Qh8+ Kg4 40.Rd4+. 1-0.
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- III Jogos Abertos da Paraíba - Blitz e rápidas
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